What should a good set up look like?

In golf, understanding that everyone is built differently is crucial. This diversity affects how individuals stand at the ball, a factor determined by the length of their arms, upper body, and legs. It's a simple yet often overlooked aspect: the longer the arms, the less forward bend is required to reach the setup compared to someone with shorter arms.

Despite its logical nature, many amateurs are observed practicing incorrect setups. This observation is not just limited to amateur players; even among the top 100 players in the world, each has a distinct golf swing. However, they all share a commonality: the club head position at impact harmonizes with their body motion.

What Should a Good Setup Look Like?

  • Forward Bend:
    • Begin by bending the upper body forward from the pelvis.
    • Continue bending until the middle fingers reach the top of the knee.
    • Ensure the lower back remains straight throughout this process.
  • Arm Position:
    • From the created spine angle, allow the arms to hang comfortably and relaxed.
    • The amount of spine angle can differ from player to player, adjusting for arm length.

Why Are There So Many Mistakes in the Setup?

The prevalence of mistakes in the setup phase often stems from underestimating its importance in creating a good swing. A misaligned setup can throw off the entire swing sequence, leading to a loss of power and accuracy.


A good setup is the foundation of an efficient and powerful golf swing. It's essential to prioritize this aspect, ensuring it aligns with the golfer's unique build and mobility. By doing so, golfers can enhance their swing mechanics, leading to improved performance on the course. Remember, the goal is not to mimic others but to find a setup and swing that work harmoniously with your individual physique.

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