Welcome to the course

Most golfers don’t appreciate just how many shots they throw away with the putter. 

If you want to better your scores on the golf course and lower your handicap as quickly as possible, there are two aspects of the game you need to improve. This is your driving and putting.

This book looks at the most important putting fundamentals: the set-up covering alignment and stance, the putting stroke, the grip, reading greens, distance control, and routines.

There are also some putting drills and games so that you can make the most of your time when you practice putting.

Before we start, a very important question you must ask yourself is: How Many Putts Do You Take? The playing professionals break this down into two parts: putts per green in regulation and putts per round. If you take more than 36 putts per round, you're wasting shots on the golf course.

There’s no reason any level of golfer can’t become a good putter with proper instruction and structured practice. 

Let's get started and enjoy the course,

Phil Allen

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